If you’re a woman of childbearing age, using birth control is the best way to take control of your fertility. Thanks to birth control, you can choose if and when you’d like to have children.

Today, with so many contraception options available for women, it can be hard to choose which one is best for you. Our team at Artemis Advanced Office Gynecology in Lockport, New York, can help you choose and properly use the ideal form of birth control for you.

Board-certified gynecologist Julie Madejski, MD, explains the different forms of birth control available to you.

Why use birth control?

Birth control is a safe and highly effective method of family planning that allows you to determine when you become pregnant. Without contraception, 85 of 100 women who regularly have sexual intercourse become pregnant over the course of a year.

For some women, birth control offers advantages in addition to preventing pregnancy. Some forms of birth control can reduce acne, regulate your menstrual cycle, and help manage conditions like abnormal uterine bleeding and endometriosis.

Our team at Artemis Advanced Office Gynecology offers a variety of popular and effective birth control methods, including:

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)

LARC birth control lasts up to several years without any action on your part once it’s inserted. If you decide to become pregnant while using LARC, you can conceive immediately after the device is removed.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

An IUD is a small, T-shaped device inserted into your uterus. We offer hormonal and non-hormonal copper IUDs that work for 3-10 years.

Birth control implant

Our team inserts the tiny Nexplanon® implant into your arm, and it uses hormones to prevent pregnancy for three years.

Progestin injections

Given as a shot into your upper arm, this injection uses hormones to prevent pregnancy for three months.

Short-acting hormonal birth control

These forms of birth control use hormones to stop ovulation and prevent pregnancy. They work on a short-term basis, so you can get pregnant immediately if you stop using them.

Birth control pills

These pills prevent ovulation when taken at the same time every day.

Birth control patch

The patch is worn on your upper arm, upper back, abdomen, or buttocks and prevents ovulation. You replace it every three weeks.

Contraceptive ring

You put this small, discreet ring in your vagina, where it prevents ovulation using hormones. You use the ring for three weeks, then take it out for one week before replacing it.

Barrier birth control

Barrier methods of birth control prevent pregnancy by keeping your partner’s sperm from reaching your egg. Our team can prescribe and fit you for some forms of barrier birth control, while other kinds can be bought over the counter.


You insert the diaphragm, which is specially fitted for you, into your vagina before having sex, then leave it in for 6-24 hours after intercourse.


Offered in male and female versions, you place the condom over the penis or inside the vagina before sex and remove it after intercourse. You can use condoms with other forms of contraception to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


Permanent sterilization prevents you from becoming pregnant again after your family is complete. This procedure works by blocking your fallopian tubes, preventing your egg from reaching your uterus.

Our team is here to help you choose the best birth control for your needs. At your initial consultation, we can recommend a contraception method based on your age, plans to have children, lifestyle, and overall health.

Get started today on birth control that works perfectly for you. Call our office today to make your appointment.